Cancel Order
Last updated
Last updated
Go to: Businesses -> Settings -> Mail -> Cancel Order
You can set email for the admin and customers
The feature enables to set email that will be sent to admin's email address when an order is canceled.
Send Mail to Admin: Choose to send email to admin or not
Subject: Add the subject that is displayed in mail list
From: Add the subject that is displayed in mail detail
Send From Email: Receiver will know them to receive mail from which email address is
Email Content: Allow to add text for email. Add short code: [order_id] to display order ID in email content
The feature enables to set email that will be sent to customer's email address after he canceled an order
Send Mail to Customer: Choose to send email to customers or not
Subject: Add the subject that is displayed in mail list
From: Add the subject that is displayed in mail detail
Send from email: Receiver will know them to receive mail from which email address is
Recipients: Add recipient's email addresses (use comma separated to add more email addresses)
Email Content: Allow to add text for email. Add short code: [order_id] to display order ID in email content