Manage Staff
Last updated
Last updated
The feature allows you to:
Add staff
View schedule of each employee
Set "day-off" for a particular employee
Edit staff settings
Delete staff
Search for an employee
Allow to:
Add staff information: Avatar, Username, Email, First Name, Last Name, Nickname, Password, Position, Description
Choose an appropriate role for the staff member from the list of roles created in the "Manage Roles" feature. Read here if you like to add a new role.
When accessing an individual employee's schedule, you can view their calendar in multiple formats: Daily view, mothly view and list view. Additionally, you can see all appointments and tasks the employee is responsible for and keep track of the employee's scheduled leave days.
The feature allow you to set days-off ( set dates and time ), edit and delete days off
You can filter services by name (A-Z or Z-A) or by ID (0-9 or 9-0). Furthermore, you can easily locate the desired services by typing the service name into the search bar.