Last updated
Last updated
The feature allows you to manage taxes and manage tax classes
You can: Add unlimited tax classes, Edit/Quick Edit and Delete tax classes
Name: Add name for a tax class
Slug: set slug
Description: Add description for a tax class
Default tax class: You can set a tax class as tax class default
The feature enables to: Add unlimited taxes, Edit/Quick and Delete. Besides, you can search for taxes: Quickly filter taxes according to dates and tags
+ Title: Add a title for a tax rate
+ Tax Information
Country: Choose the country that uses this tax rate for goods/services
Rate: Add tax rate
Priority: assign a priority to the tax rate ( priority is applicable for tax rates in the same tax class) to determine the order in which multiple taxes are applied when calculating the total.
Suppose that you set 2 tax rates: "Use" tax and "excise" tax with the same "1 tax class "
+ If you set 1 is the priority for both these tax rates. The system will choose the tax rate that is added finally to apply. In this setting, "use" tax will be applicable.
+ If you set 1 is the priority for "excise" tax and 2 is the priority for "use" tax. The system will apply both tax rates
Tax Classes: Choose tax classes for a tax rate