Service Booking
Last updated
Last updated
Booking Feature allows you to:
+ Choose the date and the time slots
Time Slots will depend on:
Plans you set in "Manage Plans" feature in the business dashboard ( read here to know how to set a plan )
Business hours you set in "My Business" feature in the business dashboard ( read here to know how to add business hours )
Days off of employees you set in "Manage Staff" feature in the business dashboard ( read here to know how to add days off for employees )
Length of service that you set in "Mange Service" feature in the dashboard ( read here to know how to set length of service )
Bookings that customers have made before
+ Select the part of the day. Read here to learn about how to add start hours and end hours for parts of the day
+ Choose multiple services/products for a booking. For each service, you can assign an employee to serve you. Additionally, you can arrange the service schedule using the "drag & drop" feature.
+ Use a coupon code. Read here if you want to create a coupon code
+ Calculate the costs that customers have to pay: Subtotal, System Fee ( Read here if you want to set system fee ), Discount Rate ( after applying coupon code ) and Tax ( read here if you like to add different types of taxes and read here if you want to configure tax settings ).