Manage Booking
Last updated
Last updated
The feature enables:
Download an invoice
Change an order
Cancel an order
Search for an order
Export orders to CSV file
This is an invoice sample after clicking the "Download invoice" button
Enables modifications to orders after booking. Click here to learn how to set up the order change policy.
Allows to cancel orders after making a booking. Read here to learn about how to set order cancelation policy.
You can search by:
Customer name
Date ( from ... to )
Order Status
+ Pending: Customers made a booking but have not paid
+ Processing: Customers made a booking and paid sucessfully
+ Completed: Customers completed service experience
+ Canceled: Booking was canceled
+ Refunded: Refunded to customers
+ Expired: The customer's booking has expired for payment. Therefore, the booking was unsuccessful.
You can select the time period and the fields required for your CSV file.