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Last updated
Go to: Businesses -> Settings -> General
With the feature, you can configure:
This feature allows to choose pages displayed in the frontend
Member Account Page: Need to choose the page that includes the short codes: [obp_member_account] in content
Thank You Page: select a page that redirect users after they sucessfully made a booking
Login Page: Need to choose the page that includes the short code: [obp_login] in content
Register User Page: Need to choose the page that includes the short code: [obp_register_user] in content
Forget Password Page: Need to choose the page that includes the short code: [obp_forgot_password] in content
Reset Password Page: You need to choose the page that includes the short code: [obp_reset_password] in content
Default Vendor Page: Choose the page that redirect Vendors after they successfully login
Default Staff Page: Choose the page that redirect employees after they successfully login
Default customer Page: Choose the page that redirect Customers after they successfully login
2.1 Show map: You can choose show/hide the map for My business in My Dashboard in the frontend
If you choose: Show map. The map will be displayed in settings of My Business in My Dashboard
If you choose: Hide map. The map won't be shown in settings of My Business in My Dashboard. It only appears fields for you to set your business address
2.2 Map Platform: You can select google Map Or Open Street Map
Please note: With google Map, you have to enter a Google API Key Map ( read here if you want to make an API Key Map)
2.3 Bounds: This feature enables to set Restrictions for searching in the map
Bounds: You can choose to set bounds or not
Set latitude
Set Longitude
Set Radius
Set Restrictions: You can restrict the autocomplete search to a specific set of up to 5 countries.
Currency: Allow you to choose currency in your country
Currency Position: Enable you to set the location of currency symbol with amount
Thousand Separator: sets the thousand separator in currency
Decimal Separator: set decimal separator in currency
Number of decimal places: Set number of decimal places in currency
Date Format: Select the date format for your calendar
Time Zone: Slect time zone you want
Time Format: Choose the time format for your calendar
Time Step: The feature will be applied to the calendar in All schedule and My schedule in My Dashboard in The Front end
For instance, if you set 10 minutes for time step tab, the space from 06:00 to 07:00 is 6 rows. If you set 20 minutes for time step tab, the space from 06:00 to 07:00 is 3 rows.
Language: Set the language for your calendar
Weekend: Can choose any day of the week as the weekend
The First Day of Week: Can choose any day of the week as the first day of week
Frequency Update Order Holding Status: Set number of minute the system scans once for changes in booking statuses and automatically update the booking status from Pending to Expired.
Frequency Update Order Processing Status: Set number of minute the system scans once for changes in booking statuses and automatically update the booking status from Processing to Completed.