Manage Team
Last updated
Last updated
Appearance >> Customize >> Team
Your Archive Team Page will be installed with several custom fields:
Choose the number of posts per page: unlimited- depend on your need.
Order By: ID, Title, Date, Random
Order: Descending, Ascending
Layout: 2 columns, 3 columns or 4 columns.
Header Type
Footer Type
You are easy to create Single Team Page on your own with several customs fields
Header Type
Footer Type
From Dashboard, Go to Team >> All Teams With this feature, you can see a list of all memberes. Besides, it allows you to view, edit, remove and clone any member pages
From Dashboard, Go to Team >> Add A New You can add: - Title - Description - Category - Image - Job - Slogan - Short Description - Experience - Email - Phone - Processing: Unlimited Adding - List Social: Unlimited Adding - Sort Order
With this feature, to create a new team category, you only need to: - Add name of team category, slug and description - Choose Parent Items‌
You can see the image below:
Template: Grid Default, Grid Modern, Grid Modern 2, Grid 2 Template 1, Grid 2 Template 2, Grid 3 Template 1, Grid 3 Template 2
Category: Choose All or a Category
Total: Total Items
Order By Post: ID, Date, Title, Random, Custom Order
Order: Ascending, Descending
Show/hide fields: Image, Name, Job, Social, Link to detail.
Addtional Options: Show config for slide.
Template: Default, Classic, Modern
Columns: 2, 3, 4 columns
Category: Choose All or a Category
Total: Total Items
Order by Post: ID, Date, Title, Random, Custom Order
Order: Ascending, Descending
Show/hide some fields: Image, Name, Job, Social, Link to detail.
Template: template 1, template 2
Columns: 2, 3, 4 columns
Category: All or a Category
Total: Total items
Order by Post: ID, Date, Title, Random, Custom Order
Order: Ascending, Descending
Show/hide some fields: Image, Name, Job, Link to detail.
Template: template 1, template 2
Columns: 2, 3, 4 columns
Category: All or a Category
Total: Total items
Order by Post: ID, Date, Title, Random, Custom Order
Order: Ascending, Descending
Show/hide some fields: Image, Name, Job, Social, Link to detail.
Use loco translate plugin to change text: Read here
Use loco translate plugin to change slug:
Copy php file from Plugins/ova-team/templates/*.php to Themes/gimont-child/ovateam-templates/*.php
You can customize in Plugins/ova-team/templates/archive-team.php file
You can customize in Plugins/ova-team/templates/single-team.php file
You can customize in Plugins/ova-team/templates/elementor/*.php file