Create A Page
This feature allows you to create a new page according to your requirement that doesn't have in Gimont theme
Last updated
This feature allows you to create a new page according to your requirement that doesn't have in Gimont theme
Last updated
Go to: WordPress Admin Panel >> Pages >> Ad New Page
Please, note: To display this general setting, you need to install and active CMB2 plugin
Choose one of options of header version drop-down for your page
Options of Header Version Drop-down:
Global: Use the header that is set in Appearance >> Customize >> Header
Default: Use Default Header. You only can customize this header in template file (header.php file in theme)
Header, Header 1, Header 2, Header 3, Header 4, Header 5, Header 6, Header 7, Header 8, Header 9, Header 10, Header 11, Header 12, Header 13, Header Banner, Header Banner 2 : Choose one of these header versions for your page. To change data for these headers, you need to use Elementor
Choose one of options in Footer Version Drop-down for your page
Global: Use the footer that is set in Appearance >> Customize >> Footer
Default: Use Default Footer. You only can customize this footer in template file ( footer.php file in theme)
Footer, Footer 1, Footer 2, Footer 3, Footer 4, Footer 5, Footer 6, Footer 7 : Choose one of these footer versions for your page. To change data for these footers, you need to use Elementor
The Main Layout of your page will depend on the template type you choose: Default template, Elementor full with, or Elementor Canvas:
Please, note: If in Template tab, you choose Default template, the option you choose in Main Layout tab will be applied to your page
Global: The setting in the Layout tab (Appearance >> Customize >> Layout) will be applied to your page.
Suppose that in the Layout tab (Appearance >> Customize >> Layout), you choose: Right Side Bar, the page with default template will be displayed below:
No Sidebar, Left Sidebar, and Right Sidebar: You can set the layout for your page by choosing the position of the sidebar. Note: When you select one of these options, the setting in the Layout tab (Appearance >> Customize >> Layout) will not affect your page.
Please, note: If in Template tab, you choose Elementor Full With , the setting in Main Layout drop-down won't affect to your page
No matter what you choose in the Main Layout tab, the page with Elementor Full With will be showed below:
Please, note: If in Template tab, you choose Elementor Canvas , the setting in Main Layout drop-down won't affect to your page
No matter what you choose in the Main Layout tab, When you select: Elementor Canvas in template tab, your page will only include components you added
The Wide Site of your page will depend on the template type you choose: Default template, Elementor full with, or Elementor Canvas:
Please, note: If in Template tab, you choose Default template, the option you choose in Wide Site drop-down will be applied to your page
Global: The setting in the Wide Site Drop-down (Appearance >> Customize >> Layout) will be applied to your page.
Suppose that in the Wide Site Drop-down (Appearance >> Customize >> Layout), you choose: Boxed option, the page with default template will be showcased below:
Wide, boxed: Choose wide if you want to have a full page layout, choose boxed if you want to have a boxed page layout. Note: When you select one of these options, the setting in the Wide Site drop-down (Appearance >> Customize >> Layout) will not affect your page.
Please, note: If in Template tab, you choose Elementor Full With, the option you choose in Wide Site drop-down will be applied to your page.
If you choose boxed option in Wide site, the page with Elementor Full With will be displayed below:
Please, note: If in Template tab, you choose Elementor Canvas, the option you choose in Wide Site drop-down won't applied to your page.