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Short Description
Regular Price: It is price for Adult
Sale Price: For Adult
Children Price
Baby Price
Quantity: Maximim tour at a time.
Stock Quantity by Guests: Quantity depends on total number of guests
Example: If Quantity is 1.
Case 1: Checked "Stock Quantity by Guests" option.
The customer 1: Book a tour at 20/06/2024 with 5 guest.
The customer 2: CAN book a tour at 20/06/2024 with 5 guest.
Case 2: UnCheck the "Stock Quantity by Guests" option.
The customer 1: Book a tour at 20/06/2024 with 5 guest.
The customer 2: CAN'T book a tour at 20/06/2024 with 5 guest.
Add Insurance
Embed Video Link: Currently only support youtube link.
Destination: Read here to know create Destination
TIme Slots: No
Days: Insert the number of days of the tour.
Fixed Dates
Duration: Yes
Hours: Insert the number of hours of the tour
Schedule: Price in Duration will override global price.
Icons: you can find icon class here
Price in global discount with override global price and duration price.
Price in special will override global price, duration price and global price.
Category Settings: Setup in per category
Global Settings: Go to WooCommerce >> Settings >> Booking Tours
Product Template: Choose Category Settings or Other template ( that build in elementor)
Disable WeekDay: Example: 0,6 0: Sunday 1: Monday 2: Tuesday 3: Wednesday 4: Thursday 5: Friday 6: Saturday
X Days Preparation Time: Example: if "X Days Preparation Time" insert 3 and Today is 27 August => The customer only booking from 30 August
Book before X hours today: Example: if "Book before X hours today" insert 16:00 and If now is 15:30 => The customer can book this product. If now is 16:30 => The customer can't book this product.
Custom Checkout Fields: Read here to know create Category Settings: Setup in per category. New: You can insert new custom checkout fields for this product.
Check out field: Global Settings: Go to WooCommerce >> Settings >> Booking Tours >> Booking Form >> Show check out field. Yes: show field No: hide field
Forms Global Settings: Go to WooCommerce >> Settings >> Booking Tours >> Product Details >> Show Booking Form or Show Request Booking Form Only Booking Form Only Enquiry Form Show Both
This fields will dsiplay in Archive/Category, Single Tour instead address in google map.
You have to insert Google Key Map in Settings to display Google Map here.
You have to iframe in google map
When add new tour in backend, you will choose Product Template:
Category Settings: Setup in per Category.
Other Templates: Choose a template that build from Elementor (Example Tour Detail 2, Tour Detail)
You can show/hide all sections in product detail by config in Customizer. Read here
Show/hide it in config of "Recaptcha" tab of Global Settings. Read here
You can use Elementor to build layout for product detail. Read here