Update Header

1: Update Header

Login site with Administrator account, go to frontend and choose to edit header

a) Create Sticky Header in Desktop, Tablet/Mobile. Add some class in section

header_sticky : Display sticky in desktop

mobile_sticky : Display sticky in Tablet/Mobile

sticky_bg_dark: Background dark When scroll page

b) Show/hide Element in Desktop, Tablet/Mobile

2: Change Header

Go to Pages >> Choose a page that want to change its header

You click on header version to choose a header for that page.

You can choose Header Versions:

a) Global: This page is using Header in Appearance >> Customize >> Header

b) Default: This page is using Default Header. You only can customize this header in template file (header.php file in theme)

c) Header Banner 2, Header Banner, White Header, Black Header: If you choose these header, you can change it in Builder Header Footer >> All HF

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