2: Install Theme

Step 1: From "Admin Menu", click Appearence >> Themes >> Add New

Step 2: Install "Parent Theme"spoclub.zip

Then, upload "Parent theme", Click on " Return to Themes page " to install "Child Theme"

Step 3: Installing "Child Theme" spoclub-child.zip is the same as installing "Parent theme"

Step 4: Active "Child Theme"

After uploading " Child Theme ", click on " Activate " button

Step 5: Install and Active Plugins

1: Click on " begin installing plugins " button

2: choose plugins, then choose " install " field and click on " Apply " button

3: Go to Dashboard >> Plugins >> Installed Plugins, then choose plugins, choose " active " field and click on " apply " button

Step 6: Setup SportsPress plugin

Step 7: Config "Elementor": Go to Elementor >> Settings >> General

Step 8: Setup Settings in SportsPress

Go to SportsPress >> Settings

1: Modules tab

2: General Tab

3: Events tab

4: Team

5: Players

6:Staff tab

7: Text

Last updated